La medida que nos ha de dividir

Qabalum (ES)

4th July 19.45

Parco Tor Tre Teste 

National premiere

La medida que nos ha de dividir is a danced conversation about the desire to be together, to share a life together, of ways to support it beyond the uncertainties the future may hold. The two bodies stretch outwards, they size each other up, they weave in and out, they caress each other, they come together and enter into conflict, creating a choreographic script based on affection, time passing and human impulses.


choreography and performance Qabalum
with Diego Pazo & Lucía Burguete
Original Music Luisillo Kalandraka
With the support of DNA Platform - Gobierno de Navarra, Dantzan Bilaka and Spanish National Dance Company Company

Qabalum is a contemporary dance collective founded in Pamplona[Spain] in 2020 by Diego Pazo and Lucía Burguete. At the centre of their research is the body seen as artistic engine, cornerstone of its abilities. The creations of the collective investigate with curiosity what the body can tell or allow to be seen through the technical and expressive abilities, so that movement unveils its mystery. 

Diego Pazo had his first encounter with the world of dance in 2008 starting with breakdance and since 2014 he has been engaged in the field of contemporary dance. From 2019 to 2021 he studied at La Faktoría Choreographic Center, where he was taught by Laura Aris, Thi- Mai Nguyen, Isael Mata, Marta Coronado e Mark Tompkins. He works as a dancer with the companies of Daniel Abreu and Jesús Rubio Gamo. From 2020 he began creating his own work and founded Qabalum with Lucìa Burguete. At the same time he develops an educational and cultural mediation program.

Lucía Burguete started her career as a rhythmic gymnast and later took up ballet and contemporary dance at the Centro di Danza Antonio Almenara of Saragozza and furthered her studies in choreography and interpretation at La Faktoría Choreographic Center. In 2020 she founded Qabalum with Diego Pazo while at the same time working as a dancer with Antonio Ruz, Led Silhouette, Laida Aldaz and Vicky Miranda. She is a guest lecturer in training programs such as TRY Dance Program, or Impulstanz Vienna.


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