L'universo nella testa

Daniele Ninarello/Cristina Donà/Saverio Lanza     (Italia)


21st June 19.45

Arena del Teatro India

Exploring the limits. Not stopping at what is known or appears to be so. Going beyond.

The Universe in your head springs from the lucky meeting between Daniele Ninarello, Cristina Donà and Saverio Lanza, which occurred during the project Perpendicolare. Perpendicolare. The performance further develops the search into a mixture of performance languages, working on the movements of the choreographer and dancer Daniele Ninarello and the compositions by the singer/songwriter Cristina Donà together with the composer and visual artist Saverio Lanza. 

The Universe in your head mixes new and repertory pieces, scores and choreographic constellations. The sense of gravity of dance is the engine, drawing over the stage space, through movements and rotations of the body which create a combination of rhythmic cells towards a perpetual wave after wave of the creative flow. Cristina Donà’s most fascinating songs - for example Universo, The sense of things, Triathlon -together with evocative grafts such as Across the Universe Across The Universe by the Beatles give the flavour of an original constellation where one can lose oneself, observe and rediscover oneself in a continual relationship between the infiniteness. of the cosmos and human being. The notes of the composition shine in the dance and are reflected in a perfect and vital balance between the intimate register and the cathartic emotivity of rock.


Voice and guitar: Cristina Donà
Choreography and interpretation: Daniele Ninarello
Voice, guitar live eletronics: Saverio Lanza
Production: Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Associazione CodedUomo

Project promoted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation- General Diretion for the Promotion of country system in collaboration with the General Direction of Showbusiness of the Ministry for heritage, cultural activities and tourism, part of the project Living the Italian way on stage.

Cristina Donà has contributed to defining a new season of mediterranean rock, achieving the acclaim of notable people such as Robert Wyatt, David Byrnee Peter Walsh (who was already the producer of Scott Walker, Peter Gabriel and the Simple Minds). Winner of three Tenco awards she is the first Italian artist to perform in the Meltdown Festival in London. Continously renewing herself, Cristina Donà has become first of all a reference point, then an inspirational figure for the new generation of Italian musicians.

Daniele Ninarello After attending RDA, he has danced with internationally famous choreographers and musicians. Since 2007 he has presented his creations in various national and foreign festivals. Since 2010 his productions have become part of the network Anticorpi XL in Italy and abroad due to the projects Les Repérages and Dance Roads. Kudoku, Kudoku, created in collaboration with the musician Dan Kinzelman, premiered at the Biennale Danza X, and it is among the projects selected by AEROWAVES TWENTY17, NID Platform e Rencontres Chorégraphiques Seine-Saint-Denis France. Still won the prize at the 2016 edition of Premio Prospettiva Danza.

Saverio Lanza qualified as Director of Orchestra and Instrumentation for big Bands and currently works in a musical environment that ranges from research to original song composing both as a producer and as an author. He won the Tenco prize in 2015. He has recorded two solo albums: Ce l’hai una sigaretta?(Have you got a cigarette?) and Madrelingua (Mother tongue). He was the director of the orchestra in Sanremo several times. In 2005, with Marco his photographer brother, he founded the project PASTIS, which overlaps between photography, video and music; they have participated in several international shows and competitions. In 2009 PASTIS won the Ciampi Prize in the section L’Altrarte. In 2011 they were invited to show some works in the Tribeca Cinema in New York. Lungoviaggioa visual album by Pastis and Irene Grandi came out in 2018 which won the Award "Musica da Bere"- “Music to drink”


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