Pez esfinge

Elías Aguirre

4th July 20.15

Parco Tor Tre Teste 

Pez Esfinge is a work of research into the underwater microcosmos, of unnoticed details, of spaces that apparently stay still. A duet that traces a parallel between the underwater world and that of subtle emotions such as shyness. A deep abyss that hides our deepest selves which sometimes emerge without warning.


director and choreographer Elías Aguirre
with Victor Fernández and Elías Aguirre
original music Asaf Yaniv and Ignacio Valbuena
lighting Sergio G. Domínguez
With the support of Comunidad de Madrid, Centro Danza Canal, Teatros del Canal

Audience Award and 2nd Prize in Danzaxtrema 2020

Elías Aguirre Dancer, choreographer and visual artist. As dance-interpreter he worked for three years with Mayumana and has taken part as dancer in several films. At present he directs the company Elìas Aguirre which he founded based in Madrid. He codirects Entomo, a dance project collaborating with Álvaro Estebán, created in 2009 and performed in international festivals all over the world. His research, both plastic and choreographic, is inspired by nature and combines contemporary and urban dance techniques. Some of his works have received international awards for example 87grillos, Entomo (Elías Aguirre & Alvaro Esteban), White Room, Escuálido Marsupial (Elías Aguirre & Manuel Rodriguez), Longfade, Fight or Flight, Flightless and Shy Blue. He also creates international photo and videodance projects.


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